Product quality planning is measures and criteria that reflect both individual product properties and various characteristics of the quality management system and processes.
These indicators are reflected in specific tasks to improve the quality of construction products, plans for research and development work, standardization and metrological support, implementation of a quality management system, technical development of the enterprise, personnel training, etc.
At the product quality planning stage- the stages of the construction product cycle are complex, rhythmic and timely in terms of raw materials, materials, etc. must be provided and consistent with production capacity.
A policy based on quality should be formed as a principle of action or a long-term mission of the planned activity at the enterprise and measures should be developed for the effective organization of the activities of construction enterprises. The article discusses the reasons for the low quality of construction products, factors influencing the improvement of the quality of finished products and maintaining the usefulness of resources obtained at the assembly stage, planning and implemented quality management measures, costs. The issues of improving quality, and at the same time eliminating injuries caused during the production of work during urban planning (rehabilitation) costs, their identification and grouping have been studied.