The responsibilities of the auditor and the importance of the auditor's opinion


Audit means free verification of the correctness of financial (accounting) statements and compliance with certain requirements in economic entities. An authorized person who performs these duties is called an auditor. To start the activity, the auditor first independently identifies his client. This process is considered necessary to prevent the audit firm from losing its reputation as a result of adverse events that may occur. Inspection is possible on the basis of the license issued by the Chamber of Auditors of the Republic of Azerbaijan to auditors and audit organizations. Based on the results of the audit, an independent auditor or audit organization prepares an opinion on the obtained results and presents it to the head of the enterprise.
The article contains information about the duties of the auditor, the requirements set for the performance of his activities, the responsibilities he faces, the forms of the auditor's opinion, and what role he has in the activities of business entities.