Position of Azerbaijan in the Global Innovation Index: Analysis of Strengths and Weaknesses


In the article, the rating indicators of Azerbaijan and post-Soviet countries for the last years on the indicators used in the calculation of the Global Innovation Index were examined, and the strengths and weaknesses of the innovation system of these countries were determined. The analysis carried out in the article showed that there are certain changes in the composition of the indicators used in the calculation of the Gİİ every year, and this, in turn, is one of the factors affecting the rating indicators. 
It can be concluded that the main factor for improving Azerbaijan's indicators on the Global Innovation Index is the provision of timely transmission of accurate information from both sides. In general, a broad Action Plan should be prepared and implemented in order to improve Azerbaijan's position in the Gİİ. For this purpose, rating indicators for 81 indicators should be analyzed, problems and ways to solve them should be determined for the lowest ranked indicators.